The Most Important Metrics That Matter For Your Mobile App

Mar 2019 / Wendy Dessler

The Most Important Metrics That Matter For Your Mobile App

You’ve developed a detailed mobile app that has everything needed to succeed. But how do you know if it’s truly successful once it’s live? Data metrics help you understand whether your app is thriving or needs improvement.

Remember, your app is one of many. There are likely dozens or even hundreds of apps offering similar services. To stay ahead, you need to know how well your app is performing.

Here are the key metrics you should watch closely:

1. Activation Rate

The activation rate measures the percentage of users who download your app and then complete the registration process. A good activation rate is typically around 85%. Apps with a smooth and quick onboarding process see activation rates as high as 90%, while those asking for too much information during registration can see activation rates drop below 70%.

Some reasons for a low activation rate include a complicated registration process, asking for too much personal information, or errors on the registration screen.

2. User Retention Rate

Getting users to download and activate your app is just the first step. The real challenge is keeping them engaged. The user retention rate measures the percentage of users who continue to use your app over time. On average, 29% of users continue using a mobile app after 30 days, but top-performing apps can achieve retention rates of 40% or higher.

To retain users, keep the app interface clean, intuitive, and error-free. You could, for instance, use tools like log analyzers to catch errors and fix them early. The retention rate will vary depending on the app’s purpose—users of social media apps like Facebook tend to stay longer than those using accommodation apps like Airbnb.

3. Loading Time

Loading time is a critical factor in keeping users engaged. Users today are incredibly impatient; 40% of website visitors will leave if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, and mobile apps face similar expectations. Strive to keep your app’s loading time under 2 seconds. As the page load time increases from 1 second to 3 seconds, the probability of users leaving the app rises by 32%.

How fast an app loads also depends on the specifications of the phone it runs on. While more RAM and a faster processor help, you should strive to keep your app fast even on phones with lower specs.

4. Session Length

Session length is the amount of time a user spends in your app during one session. The longer the session length, the more likely users are to engage with your content or complete a conversion. On average, users spend about 5.4 minutes per session across all app categories, with social media apps seeing higher averages, around 10 minutes.

Increasing session length can be achieved by improving mobile app design, speeding up loading times, and offering quality content.

5. Uninstall Rate

The uninstall rate is closely linked to how satisfied users are with your app. A high uninstall rate often indicates that users are unhappy with the app’s performance or features. On average, 28% of users uninstall apps within 30 days of installation due to reasons like poor performance, high battery usage, and irrelevant notifications.

When a user uninstalls your app, it usually means they’ve decided it no longer meets their needs, which is a clear sign that something needs to be fixed.

6. Daily and Monthly Active Users (DAU/MAU)

While retention rate gives you an idea of how many users stick around, DAU and MAU provide insights into how engaged your users are on a daily and monthly basis. DAU is the number of unique users who interact with your app in a single day, while MAU is the number of unique users over a month. A healthy DAU/MAU ratio is typically around 20% or higher, indicating strong user engagement.

7. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Customer Lifetime Value measures the total revenue you can expect from a single user over the course of their relationship with your app. Apps that focus on user experience and personalized content can see CLTV increase by up to 30%. Understanding CLTV allows you to invest in users who are more likely to provide a higher return over time.

8. Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)

ARPU is the average revenue generated per user and is an important metric for understanding your app’s financial performance. Globally, in-app purchases are the largest revenue source for mobile apps, with an average ARPU of $0.50 per user, though this can vary significantly by app category and region.

9. Churn Rate

Churn rate is the percentage of users who stop using your app after a certain period. It’s the opposite of the retention rate and is crucial for understanding how many users you’re losing over time. The average churn rate for mobile apps is around 57% within the first 30 days, so reducing churn is key to long-term app success.

10. User Feedback and Ratings

While quantitative metrics like those mentioned above are essential, qualitative metrics such as user feedback and ratings can provide insights into user satisfaction. Apps with a rating of 4.5 stars or higher tend to have significantly higher download rates and user retention. Addressing negative feedback promptly can improve your app’s reputation and performance.

Conclusion: Focus on the Right Metrics

To make your mobile app a success, keep a close eye on these critical metrics. Understand your app’s goals and track the metrics that will help you achieve them. By focusing on activation rates, retention rates, loading times, session lengths, uninstall rates, DAU/MAU, CLTV, ARPU, churn rate, and user feedback, you can make informed decisions to improve your app and keep users engaged.

With the right data and a focus on user experience, your app can stand out in a crowded market and achieve long-term success.

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