Most Adoptable Trends For Magento Ecommerce in 2018

Sep 2018 / dana

Most Adoptable Trends For Magento Ecommerce in 2018

At times when online commerce market is growing meteorically successful, it is crucial for ecommerce start-up businesses to build right features based on trends. This is the reason why you need to adopt most contemporary trends as well as a reliable, robust platform that supports your ecommerce business dream.

Being the most versatile and integrated platform, Magento provides strong ground for making a user-friendly, intuitive and modern ecommerce website and app. It delivers features that appeal directly to business enthusiasts. However, you must seek to implement unique approach and features that incorporate latest ecommerce trends.

With this idea in mind, here are the most adoptable trends for Magento Ecommerce in 2018.

Rich and high-quality Graphics

Based on existing successful ecommerce stores in 2018, we can gladly say that the trend of including rich graphics and high quality of gradients with meaningful colours will never go out of style. In the marker where there is a constant demand for outstanding design, creating an impressive aesthetic appeal is essential. This is where high-quality graphics inspire powerful impact on customers. However, you must know how to incorporate this art in your ecommerce store to boost sales and attract more traffic.

The promise of Minimalist design

Having minimalistic approach for store design does not literally mean cropping all the vital features or making your ecommerce portal plain and bland in appearance. However, a straightforward and simple design with updated facilities does result in success. Minimalistic ecommerce store design can be beautiful too if you just know how to work with colour combination, brightness, contrast and compactness. To create a scintillating design with compelling interface, try focus on vibrant colours and good-size fonts.

More power to customers with Voice search

If we speak of ecommerce, the first thing to consider is customers since they have sheer power to make or break your business. In an evolving socio-cultural set up, people love to interact with a shop that offers convenience of shopping with minimum efforts. Voice search capabilities on smartphones are therefore the best way to serve customers faster. It adds speed, convenience and ease and results in increased conversion rates. Magento now offers various options and solutions to address this requirement, making the voice-enabled technologies an integral element of ecommerce websites.

Effective Products Videos

Another trend that serves as an influential factor on global ecommerce in 2018 is having an evocative product-oriented video in place. According to kissmetrics analysis, one can boost sales upto 85% using videos with convincing product description. Video content increases trust factor, giving you immense power to pique customer interest. You can even add more elements like promotional offers to actually create a selling point to customers. young-age group tend to rely on video content massively, which means making a effective product video can help grow ROI for your store.

More sophisticated organic searches

Ecommerce success revolved around customers getting superior experience inside the store. Therefore, Search functions such as advances search, precise breadcrumbs, filter choices and smart auto-complete options define customer satisfaction. Organic searches with keywords-specific ability save time, allowing customers to reach their product quickly. In 2018, such intelligent and sophisticated search engine capability rule ecommerce world, leaving behind the most interactive shopping experience for dynamic customers.

Emphasis on personalized experience

Apart from design, customers appreciate and remember having a personalized experience at an ecommerce store. You can increase your chance of achieving higher conversion by facilitating a custom design for each customer. This can be done using insight-generating tools and third-party extensions offered by Magento. This extensions leverage insight derived from customer interaction to deliver customized view of content pages and products. The trend of personalized experience on Magento ecommerce store is hot and among the most adoptable in 2018.

Integration of AI-powered chatbots

With Alexa, Siri and Cortana transforming almost every business structure as well individual lifestyle, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the raging trend in 2018. The integration of AI-powered solutions such as chatbots is expanding furiously. The AI software enables merchants to monitor the precise behaviour of buyers and helps them build the effective marketing strategies. As a result, customers receive unique service and personalized tailored recommendations. Magento ecommerce is getting dominated by AI-enabled chatbots and machine learning technologies.


In the end, for your ecommerce store to exemplify success, think of all the competitive ways Magento as a technology can fulfil. Compared to a couple of years ago, online shopping websites and mobile apps have advanced in leaps and bounds. The change is attributed to evolving technologies and social sphere. To stay relevant to ecommerce industry, it is important to be resilient and trendy. Make sure you find a right technology partner to help you take a different approach to implementing Magento ecommerce trends.

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