5 Critical Challenges Faced By Mobile App Developers Today

Sep 2018 / mark

5 Critical Challenges Faced By Mobile App Developers Today

In the age of technology, start-ups are emerging in great numbers, making smartphone technology an essential requirement of vibrant human lifestyle. Considering the extensive use and demand of smartphones all over the world, mobile app development companies are investing their fortune in mobile apps innovations. On the other hand, users have endless options for choosing the app that suits their needs.

However, mobile app business is not straightforward and throws many challenges at developers. They must create an app that fits perfectly into users’ hectic world and delivers extraordinary user experience and dazzling features. These challenges are complicated and start from the initial phase of development.

Here are 5 critical challenges faced by mobile app developers today:

1. Competitive landscape of trend-sensitive market

business It is undeniable that mobile app market is inundated with innumerable mobile apps, which goes to state that competition in the domain is fierce and violent. Due to such intense competitive landscape, every mobile app developer strives to persuade to be number one by creating an app that can attract mass users, even those who have limited attention span. This is a massive challenge as it involves working on what would possibly trigger the market.

Solution: App developers must consider the elements that appeal to users with high lifetime value and engage them for a longer time span. Try to incorporate as many latest innovations as you can come up with time and again. This will eventually turn into high number of loyal users.

2. Financial planning and management

Developing an app that stands out from the rest is an expensive business. Turning your idea into a marketable and lovable app means securing a lot of investment capital. Usually, the cost of mobile app development ranges from $4,000 to $200,000 which depends on the app quality and concept. To finance the app, therefore, is a real challenge for budget-bound developers.

Solution: to alleviate the challenge of financial planning and management, developers can look to raising fund. You can take a loan from angel investors or resort straight to crowdfunding platforms. Kickstarter is one great option for crowdfunding. You should be able to manage and utilize the fund cannily to build an app with high ROI.

3. Diverse Operating Systems

Apart from concerns for devices and screen sizes, developers should also have to ponder over the challenges with different Operating Systems. The three most popular device platforms today are Android, iOS and Windows. The challenge is to build a mobile app that works exceptionally well for the respective set of UI and UX patterns. The task of regular bug fixing needs to be conducted for all OS.

Solution: Having a meticulous strategy in place with careful preparation is the key resolving any technical issue likely to come during development phase. Agile methodology with pre-deployment testing and continuous integration system is recommended for flawless mobile app. It is also a wide practiced to release a beta version with commitments of regular updates.

4. Delivering exceptional UI/UX

The flawless mobile app is defined by the ease, simplicity and luxury it offers to users. User experience is primal element of mobile app and has a lot to do with excellence shown in creating user-friendly UI design. Developers are required to build a mobile app with good UI/UX to satisfy users’ need to interact with interesting, intuitive and clean interface.

Solution: To shape an immaculate UI/UX, developers should conduct deep research in the pre-development phase to know modern trends and user behaviour. This approach helps identify all UI and UX elements needed to impress and appeal to wide base of users. A UI designer comes handy for applying basic principles of building the architecture of simple, clear and interactive UI.

5. Effective promotion and marketing

The task of mobile app development is not complete until the app meets accurate promotion and effective marketing tactics. This is challenge itself as the mobile app success involves a lot of brainstorming even for developers. Mobile app marketing definitely calls for market experts who are experienced in this business. The challenges in this area are:

  • Organic discoverability of an App in App stores
  • User acquisition and number of app installations
  • Long-term user engagement
  • Monetization model

Even though your app has stunning UI and engaging features, without marketing it is difficult to find right users to hit target ROI.

Solution: For a better promotion, you may implement freemium model and priced model. Alternatively, you may also encourage in-app purchase or in-app advertising model. Another important aspect of app marketing is opting for strategic ASO (App Store Optimization) methods to drive more installs. In any case, your ROI should never be neglected.


There are many technology-enabled ways to mitigate intense mobile app development challenges. For once, AI-powered automation for testing and development can bring both quality and speed. Another solution is to choose Agile project management that helps resolve complication during the development process itself. Always, consider the worst-case scenario as it helps boost motivation and sets clear vision, ensuring the product is robust, engaging and meant to delight users.

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